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Workshops & Events / Talleres y Eventos


Learn more about your Fair Housing rights.

Whether you're a tenant, property owner, non-profit or public representative, HRC can help you learn about Fair Housing laws, illegal housing practices, and landlord-tenant rights and responsibilities. 


Don't see a workshop for your city?  We may be heading there soon! Sign up for email updates, join one of our weekly workshops, or contact us with your questions.


Want to schedule a workshop or training for your organization? Email us!

Glendale Landlords: Fair Housing & COVID-19 Laws Workshop

Wed., Nov. 2, 2022  |   6pm - 8pm  |   Glendale Adult Recreation Center

Monterey Park Tenants: Housing Rights Workshop  - English & Spanish

Thurs., Nov. 10, 2022  |   6pm - 8pm  |   Monterey Park City Hall - Community Room

Inglewood Tenants: Fair Housing & Eviction Process Workshop - English

Tues., Dec. 13, 2022  |   5pm - 7pm  |   Zoom (Virtual)

Hawaiian Gardens: Fair Housing Workshop  - English & Spanish

Wed., Nov. 16, 2022  |   6pm - 8pm  |   Hawaiian Gardens City Council Chambers

Monterey Park Landlords: Fair Housing & COVID-19 Workshop - English & Spanish

Thurs., Nov. 17, 2022  |   6pm - 8pm  |   Monterey Park City Hall - Community Room

Weekly FAQs & COVID-19 Updates

Weekly Workshops
Learn how your city is protecting tenants and landlords during the COVID-19 pandemic. Join one of HRC's online workshops to learn the rights you have, where you live.


Facebook Live Q&A

We tackle the week's top housing questions from real people live on Facebook. We answer real questions from real people, with details changed to protect anonymity. 


Want to submit your questions to be answered live on Facebook? Send us a message or email us at!


COVID-19 Housing Rights Workshop - SPANISH / ESPAÑOL

Este importante taller explica paso a paso las protecciones contra los aumentos de alquiler y los desalojos, los programas de asistencia de alquiler, y los recursos de asistencia legal durante COVID-19. Conozca sus derechos y cómo obtener ayuda. Cubriremos las protecciones en todo el Condado de Los Ángeles y en la Ciudad de Los Ángeles.


¡Regístrese en Zoom usando el siguiente enlace!


COVID-19 Housing Rights Workshop

This important workshop goes step-by-step through protections against rent increases and evictions, rental assistance programs, and legal aid resources during COVID-19. Learn your rights and how to get help. We'll cover protections across Los Angeles County and in the City of Los Angeles.


Register on Zoom using the link below!

Email Updates

Get updates on events and services from the Housing Rights Center.


Contact Us

Housing counseling questions:

Hours: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Phone: 1800.477.5977

TTY:  213.201.0867     

FAX: 213.381.8555


The mission of the Housing Rights Center (HRC) is to actively support and promote fair housing through education, advocacy and litigation, to the end that all persons have the opportunity to secure the housing they desire and can afford, without discrimination based on their race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, familial status, marital status, disability, genetic information, ancestry, age, source of income or other characteristics protected by law.

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